New Year

I can't believe 2016 is over already!  Overall it was a pretty good year for us, moving wasn't the greatest but at least we stayed safe and nothing majorly terrible happened, and I am thankful for that.  I usually don't do a big reflection of the year or make resolutions for the next, but this year feels a little different, because I want some change.  Lately I have been stuck in a deep pit.  I feel my negativity just bringing me down.  The unsocial, timid, and insecure qualities I had in my youth are starting to show up again.  I like to blame it on my distaste for Texas and longing to be back in Europe, my hatred for the big city and traffic, my unhealthy lifestyle, staying home 90% of the time, and lack of friends, but I am the reason I let all of this get to me.  So this year I am making the resolution to change my attitude.  All it takes is a little step back to realize how awesome I have it.  Seriously, I have a super loving husband and kids, a really nice house and car, and the privilege to be going to college at the age of 30 for something I love.  I should feel ashamed of myself for having so many negative feelings.  I am going into 2017 with a positive mind and the goal to kick ass at everything I do!

Oh and I may even make some new friends this year, here are some pics from our celebrations last night.  We were invited to hang out with some fellow bloggers and their kids.  We were thrilled to have kid friendly celebrations and meet some cool new people!
We came home early because Gracelyn doesn't make it too long after 8 and daddy stayed home to watch his football game so we didn't want to leave him alone to ring in the new year by himself. We got to watch some awesome fireworks in our neighborhood, more than I had ever seen in my life!

Carrie HallLife