When we were in Germany it was clear to me what this blog was for, sharing our life in Europe with friends and family. Now that we are back in the US life doesn't seem as exciting anymore and I'm not sure what I'm still doing with this blog. I joined the local blogging group and went to a luncheon. I wanted to curl up into the fetal position when someone asked me what my blog was about...idk, "just life". It was after that moment that I felt like a failure in the blogger world and unworthy of even trying to have a blog. I came home, scrolled through all of my posts, back to the beginning, reminiscing, crying, smiling, and wishing the girls were still little. This journal I had started really meant something to me, but it didn't mean anything to anyone else. In an attempt to offer something I started posting some tutorials and realized that the process was a lot of work, stopping to take pictures while I was in the zone was annoying. Then the holidays came and I it went back to being my journal. I really enjoyed that but my photos are just mediocre...I'm supposed to be a photographer!? What is going on here? It's like I lost my mojo.
On a mission to better my blog I've been sifting through some old blogger magazines, reading tips, buying blogger courses, brainstorming....realizing that I actually have a lot to offer. We all are unique and have something interesting to share with others. Why is it that we let ourselves get into moments of self pity and doubt? I've found my direction and have a plan to apply it, It may take more effort and a lot of creative thinking but I'm certain that I can do this. My biggest hurdle is going to be convincing myself that I'm a good artist and believing I can do whatever I put my mind to.