Christmas 2015

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone has had a wonderful year and I wish you the best for this year!  We have had a very bad internet connection for the past couple weeks so I am just now getting around to posting Christmas photos.  We did some Gingerbread ornaments to hang on the tree.  The girls had fun and it was super easy.  Got the recipe here.  They turned out great and smell amazing :)
 Christmas morning was fun, when you are a kid you see the adults not getting much and think that Christmas must not be as fun when you grow up but I think having kids at Christmas is way more fun than being a kid at Christmas :)
 Patience's reactions were a bit confusing.  I think she tries to hide her excitement, as soon as she was done opening everything off she went to play with her camera.

 They were excited to open the big present santa brought!
 We couldnt leave Hanita out so she got a couple things as well.  The bone was gone within 10 min!
 Adam got a lump of coal hehe :)

 And of course every toy set got its use all at once.
And Gracelyn loves being photographed as long as she can do whatever faces she wants lol.
Singing O Tannenbaum(Oh Christmas tree in deutsch) she only knows the first few words of...