Dinner and a Movie

Yesterday we went to the movies with some friends to see Planes.  Not the best movie to take young children to because it was quite boring and lost their attention :/, guess I was expecting more since it was a Cars movie.   They still had a good time.

 Then we went to Salvatore's for some yummy italian food, and it's awesome because they have a playground :)  

 And of course a much needed bath when we got home since it had been raining and they were playing in the dirt.
 A couple weekends ago we built a tent over the couch, watched a movie and slept under the tent.  Patience has been asking me ever since if they could sleep on the couch again.  I kept telling her "when daddy doesn't have to work" so of course she was determined that since daddy was off she was going to be sleeping on the couch lol.  

Carrie Hall