
Handmade Art Materials

Nature is where I feel most alive and I try to use natural materials in my art practice. Not only does it take us back to our artistic roots, it helps bring us closer to the earth and the source of all things. The mediums I create are from all natural sources and contain non-toxic materials.

Original Paintings

Created with natural pigments and from a place of meditation. The world around us is so busy, sometimes we get overloaded and need to pause. Surrounding yourself with beauty can make your home a place of tranquility, where you can de-stress and enjoy your little sanctuary.


Online Course

Working with Earth Pigments

Gifts & Accessories

I love to step out of repetition and try new things. Sometimes returning to an old hobby, or learning something completely new. It helps me stay excited and expands my creative knowledge and skills. Creating these beautiful handmade items for others fills my soul with happiness.