Watercolor Painting

I have always been an artist.  I've pushed it aside for most of my adult life because I felt as though I had lost the skills I had as a teen.  My creative outlet became photography about 6 years ago and I knew that it was a skill I could make money doing.  It was a great career but when we moved I was overwhelmed with the idea of starting all over.  Knowing that I wanted to go back to school when we came back in the states I went with graphic design because I knew it would be a great creative career for me that I could mostly do from home and not have to worry about starting over if we moved.  I have a little over a year left and I am loving it and learning so much.

During our move I decided to get a watercolor travel set knowing I would have some free time to play with it.  I fell in love!  I never liked watercolors much in my younger days but I was inspired by the beautiful work I was seeing online.  I watched tutorials, practiced, and eventually got the hang of it.  I still have a lot of improvement but the feedback I am getting from family and friends is really pushing me to pursue it.  The greatest thing about it is I can use my art to create digital graphics and use it throughout my graphic design career.  I know that I like to switch things up a lot and I have a ton of hobbies but I feel like this is going to be something I will stick with for a while.
Carrie Hall