New Adventure

Well, not exactly what you would think of as an adventure but today I signed up to get my health back.  It's going to be a long adventure for me.  I've been up and down with fitness and weight all my life.  After signing up for the gym yesterday they scheduled me for an assessment.  The trainer calculated my BMI in the obese category and gave me an estimate of 40-60 weeks of constant training to get to where I want to be.   Knowing that I would fall out of the gym routine after a month or so, like I normally do, I committed.  For an entire year!

I have been emotional about it all day, afraid that Adam is going to kill me for what the cost and commitment is.  So I sat down and looked at our spending.  $30 for dinner Monday, $50 Friday, $25 Wednesday....CRAP!  We spend so much on food and don't even realize it.  Since moving back to America we eat out sooo much :/  So from now on it will be a lot more eat at home healthy dinners if the family likes it or not!  I can't live this way anymore, I want a long, healthy life.  I shouldn't feel sluggish and frumpy at my age.

Tomorrow my first session starts.  I'm really nervous and looking into the future I'm excited but scared.  Will I really make it all the way through?  It seems so unachievable!  This is really a huge commitment for me but I am so ready for it.  I promise not to make this one of those transformation blogs but when I start seeing results I will definitely be sharing my progress in hopes that it will inspire some of you.  Most of us have adapted to an unhealthy way of living and its so sad how easy it is to just sit around on our electronics and eat yummy, unhealthy foods.  Well, I'm done!  Wish me luck :)
Carrie Hall