Pisa & Florence

My #1 place I wanted to travel to was Italy.  We were going to save it for the summer but when we were checking flights for a short trip Pisa was super cheap so we decided to go for a couple days.  We got there mid-day and went to check out the tower, The next day we took the train to Florence, and walked around for a LONG time.   I was in a really bad mood the whole time, we got lost, the buses were confusing,  no one seemed to understand us or want to help, Gracie fell asleep and had to be carried.....it just wasn't a very nice trip.  Dinner in Europe doesn't start until 8pm so it throws our schedule way off when we travel.  There wasn't much to do there, it was dirty, smelled of sewage(or cow poop as Patience says), and there are creepy African street vendors all over the place.  I am not going to let it spoil my perspective of Italy in general.  I do hope to go back, just next time to the country or beach.
Top right: Flying over the Alps, Bottom Right:  A stuffed pig wearing a Jamaican beanie with dreads lol

Top left: Gracie tried to stash play-doh in her pack and I found it before we left, when she went to get it and it wasnt there she was very upset lol.

Inside the Cathedral

The Arno River

Statue of David

Florence Cathedral

Eating Gelato and yummy pizza

Lambourghini Polizia

Lots of Graffiti and trash.

This big butt greats you as you walk out of the Pisa Aeroporto so I had to take a pic before we left.

Carrie HallFlorence, Italy, Pisa, Travel